Help me see with eyes of faith. Give me strength to run this race. i will go Lord, where Your glory is unknown, i will live for You alone. i will go because my life is not my own. i will go...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ministry Update! :)

Here are some long awaited updates on what's been happening! Ministry has changed pace a bit as we are in a short recess from having volunteer teams here every month. So now I have more time to focus on getting back into ministry in the communities. One praise is that I now have a co-teacher to help lead Children's Church. It was too much to try to handle 20-30 kids on my own! Please pray for me as I encourage this new leader in stepping up into her new role. I have started back my discipleship class with one of the ladies near my house church. I am really enjoying getting to know her and see her learn from God's Word. I'm also "trying" to re-learn how to play the guitar, haha, so that I can begin to help with worship during our Thursday groups. In one of our ministry sites, our house church groups have we are in need of extra hands! It's so amazing to see the Lord work in the hearts of the people, and then as they grow in the Word to see their hearts begin to feel for the lostness around them. That is our hearts desire, not only bring them the Truth, but then to see them in turn burdened for the lost and join the mission to share with others!

Prayer Requests:
  • Please continue to lift me up, along with both my teams (Refuge Team & VIC Team) We truly want to see Colombia changed by the love of Christ.
  • Pray that the Lord would strengthen us to keep going in those moments when we are exhausted or overwhelmed with the work load.
  • Pray that we would receive an extra dose of encouragement and resolve to be intentional about building relationships, especially with the people who aren't always easy to love.
  • Pray for the maturity of our church leaders, that they would learn how to love unconditionally and walk in obedience to God's Word.
  • Pray for me personally to continue to seek the Lord with a hunger and thirst for knowledge and understanding of His Word.

Thank you for your continued encouragement and prayers! :) ~Sarah

Check out our leader in the center.....our "Chief Indian"and the rest of the tribe, haha!
What would Bible Study be like without the cows?
Pam, this is for Brooke....this little girl didn't want her picture taken either! haha!

They came out in the masses when we had a free clinic...the needs are truly great. Please pray for healing in this land...physical and spiritual healing!

You know I can't resist pictures of these adorable children! Their hearts reflect in their eyes...
Three boys from my Sunday School class...patiently waiting in line to see the nurse.

This is a video of the kids from our "mother church". They came to my little house church to encourage our congregation and to lead a special service for the children. The song they are singing says this.....

I will praise Him from my Heart, I will praise Him with my Voice (2x) And if I am missing my Voice, I will praise Him with my Hands, And if I am missing my hands, I will praise Him with my Feet, And if I am missing my feet, I will praise Him with my Soul, And if I am missing my's because I am with Him!

1 comment:

Florida Girl said...

Thank you for the dedication to my "photo rebel" and the sweet picture of this precious girl. I wish I could just reach through the computer and kiss her sweet face.

You are thought of and prayed for a lot. ♥