I would love to forget the experience of what I encountered tonight...but it's just too funny not to share this with ya'll.
Where it all began...
Today I went out to C.C. to teach a Bible Study to a new friend of mine, Yolima, and stayed after to attend Wed. night prayer meeting near my house church. After our prayer meeting I went back to the home where our house church is located. This particular family of 3 have become some of my favorite friends. I usually hang out at their house before and after church events and feel "at home" with them. So tonight, as usual, Nyibis (the mom) and I were talking about what she was going to prepare for supper and "arguing" over who was going to pay for it. haha. Then she started to talk about this "Bufet" that she was going to cook...."Hm..." I thought, "that sounds a lot like a "buffet" at a restaurant. I wonder what kind of spread she's going to fix!" (but deep down I know this is too good to be true!)
So I went on to ask her what exactly IS "bufet." First off, she laughed (bad sign) and then went on to try to explain to me, "It's part of the cow's insides....it's located close to the liver...but it's not the liver or the intestines...or the stomach...." At this point I have no idea WHAT a "bufet" is...I only know that it's going to be something I'm NOT going to want to eat!!! Needless to say, we cooked the "bufet" which at this point was still unrecognizable to me as anything specific....and then we sat down to eat. (Enter scene...husband Helber)....Nyibis explains to him that I have never had "bufet" before and does he remember what they call it in English....(visual...I'm already on my 3rd bite of "bufet" and commenting as they taught us to say at FPO..."That's interesting!") ....as I'm chewing on my 3rd bite of "bufet" Helber blurts out..."It's the cows LUNG!" He even picked his up and started showing me where the air comes out of!!!!
Ok...at this point I'm almost gagging....all at once I can see that yes, it does resemble a lung...not that I'd ever imagined eating one before...but there I was. By the grace of God (and I really mean that!) I finished 1 of the 2 lungs on my plate. I told them, which IS true, that I'm trying to eat lighter meals at night time, and that I was getting full! AHHHHHH!!
So...I'd finished the lung and I was doing everything in my ability not to visualize it, smell it, or taste what was left of the flavor in my mouth! Helber, who works as a Motorcycle Taxi, drove me to the main road where I found a taxi.....The taxi driver proceeds to FLY over every bump in the road, slamming us back down to earth after each hill. I feel my stomach churning and my face turning different shades of green, as the taxi driver laughs out loud continually to the "Love Match" radio program!!!
Well...I'm writing this, so you know I made it home alive and in one piece! Thankfully my sweet roomie was baking Chocolate Chip cookies...the real kind, with ingredients from the US!! Woohoo!! After brushing my teeth, drinking some juice...and 2 cookies...hmm...the memory still haunts my stomach! But I will survive!
To all of you living overseas....you can probably relate to what I've just experience...maybe you've even ate something worse! And to those of you living in the US...be thankful you haven't seen the meat markets overseas! You'd flip out! I have to say that Americans do waste a lot more food by not eating or selling some of the extra parts of animals...but sometimes...I think we have a justified reason!!!