Help me see with eyes of faith. Give me strength to run this race. i will go Lord, where Your glory is unknown, i will live for You alone. i will go because my life is not my own. i will go...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just because you go to church...

Just because you go to church...doesn't mean you're a Christian.

This may seem like the most obvious statement in the world to you...but it seems to be VERY hard to get through the heads of some of our church members! Our evangelism outings have given us the opportunity to meet new people in the neighboring streets, and have often given us an open door to share Truth from God's word with them....

Many times we enter and house and hear a variation of these words, "Oh yes, I'm part of 'such and such' church in this barrio..." or, "Well, I'm not in church right now, but I was part of this Baptist church down the road for many years." Sadly, all too often my Colombian ministry partners (whoever happens to be witnessing with me at the moment) will hear these words and joyfully proclaim, "Oh that's just great! Well then we're happy to meet a fellow believer!"...and leave it at that! They are halfway out the door before I can even ask if this person we've just met actually has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Shall I repeat it again? Just because you go to church....doesn't mean you're a Christian!

I think this is a good reminder for some of our church "members" in the States. I think we are often too afraid to ask the questions or we are afraid we will offend someone if we question their "status" with Christ. Listen up friends...we can not afford to assume that someone is saved! Be bold and step out in faith...but remember, we can be bold AND speak the truth in Love...all at the same time. :)

Lord, help us to be bold witnesses for you! Help us to find ways to share your truth with those around us, so that they too can have the assurance of Salvation that we hold so dear.

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