Help me see with eyes of faith. Give me strength to run this race. i will go Lord, where Your glory is unknown, i will live for You alone. i will go because my life is not my own. i will go...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Growth (An Update on Yolima)

Time has been too long since I've last updated! Great things have been happening! :) First of all, to update you on my friend Yolima (the lady I'm discipling). Three stories about answered prayers!!

  1. Three weeks ago, Yolima told me that in times past, she had no reason to trust "evangelicals" because they had never before proved trustworthy. But then she went on to explain to me what the Lord had shown her while she was in the hospital, waiting to have her cesection....She told me that as she waited there, many of the women beside her (all waiting in wheel chairs for hours upon end to have their surgeries) were really anxious and nervous, but she was not. She had prayed that God would give her peace, and she knew that I was outside waiting for her, praying with a fellow Colombian believer, Lucy. Lucy had only met Yolima once before, yet she waited for 16 hours at the hospital, to show her support. Yolima said she had such a peace knowing that others were praying for her, and she knew everything was going to be ok. The Kicker: Yolima said that now she knows that there are true believers in the church, who really do care for her, and said she knows she can trust them as friends. What a praise! I had been praying that even if I didn't have the right words to say, that the Lord would use the time I spent with Yolima to build trust and that through my friendship, the Lord would show her how much HE cares for her!
  2. All you moms out there know how hard it is to get your kids ready for church....imagine getting 3 kids, ages 3 and under, ready for church on your own! It's not an easy task! I've been trying to get to the barrio early enough to help Yolima make it "on time" to church, haha...what a foreign concept in Colombia! Her first week back to church they did the infamous "roll call" that I described to yall last your name, if you memorized a bible verse, how many chapters did you read in your bible...etc. Yolima was a little flustered and said, "Sarah, what am I supposed to say when they call my name!?" I told her, "Just tell the truth!" One week later, I'm sitting next to Yolima as her name is called....and she busts out with a verse she has memorized and says it in front of the whole church! She even read 10 chapters on her own! The congregation did a great job encouraging her, but then said, "Wow, you've got a great teacher!" (referring to me) But I quickly told them that I had done nothing! This was all her! I was so proud of her! I may not like the tradition of "roll call" but boy was I thankful for the growth it had spurred in Yolima! Praise the Lord for her desire to read God's Word and hide it in her heart! :) He promises us it will not return void!
  3. Our house church has begun to go out to evangelize the neighboring streets after church services on Sundays. Last week Yolima asked me if I was going to go out after church, and I told her yes. She then said, "I used to wonder why people from the church would go out every week and "bother" people who didn't want to come to church in the first place. I thought, 'If they want to come to church, they'll leave them alone!' But then I was one of those people who was invited to come to church, time and time again...and now I'm part of the church...and I have so much JOY in my heart!" Now she understands...Praise the Lord for His faithfulness!

Thank you for your continued prayers for this sweet friend of mine! The Lord is FAITHFUL!!!The Lord is doing awesome things in Yolima's life! I just taught a class on how to decorate flip-flops to her and several of her friends, in hopes that they will sell them to earn an income for themselves. Please pray that the Lord would give them motivation to start and the wisdom in how to proceed!

1 comment:

Florida Girl said...

It's good catching up with you here. You are right--God is so faithful!