Help me see with eyes of faith. Give me strength to run this race. i will go Lord, where Your glory is unknown, i will live for You alone. i will go because my life is not my own. i will go...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saying "Goodbye" to Colombia

My time in Colombia has rapidly come to an end! I can hardly believe it! I have been so extremely blessed to have served with the IMB in mi querida COLOMBIA!!! The Lord has worked in amazing ways, taught me to rely completely upon HIS strength and never forget that HE is the one who draws people to Himself! He asks us to be faithful in sharing the Word and He takes care of the results...and boy does He! I am extremely thankful for the transformation I have been blessed to see in the lives of countless new believers. They have found the only true HOPE in Jesus Christ! What a blessing to have been part of what the Lord is doing in Colombia!

Thank you for praying faithfully for me as I have served overseas! Your prayers, emails, cards, pictures and encouraging words have been such an encouragement to me these past (almost) 2 years! What a blessing to have prayer warriors like you! :)

So what's the new plan? I am moving back to Gainesville, FL!!! I have been given the amazing opportunity to work for family friends of mine, which will allow me to spend some incredible quality time with my family and friends! What a blessing! Please pray that the Lord would continue to open doors for ministry where He would have me serve...

Please pray for me as I transition back into "life in the USA", as I spend time catching up with family and friends, and as I begin my new job! I'll keep you updated, and believe me...there are TONS of pictures to come!!! :)

Love you all! Thanks again for your prayers!

by HIS grace, Sarah


Anna said...

I can't wait to see you! We have missed you dearly!

meme said...

YEAH!! I bet you are arriving home right about now...I'm so looking forward to hearing all about what God is doing in your life!! and to see lots of pixs!!